EVERY DAY someone in Nevada is diagnosed with HIV, including those with “no identifiable risk.”* It’s time to RETHINK HIV. We now have groundbreaking medicines that can prevent you from passing it along or getting it, even if you don’t think you’re at risk. The first step in keeping you and your loved ones safe is getting tested.
Together, we can end HIV in Nevada
The days of thinking HIV “isn’t my problem” are over, as HIV affects Nevadans across all different communities. That’s why Nevada is pioneering a program that makes HIV tests more accessible to everyone. Getting tested is the first step to protect yourself and the ones you love. Include testing for HIV in your routine of staying on top of your whole health.
Testing is not just about knowing your status- it’s about having access to breakthrough treatments that have the power to end new HIV transmissions.
There are several ways to get tested:
Any time you go to a healthcare appointment, you can have an HIV test added for free or low cost, regardless of if you’re insured.
Nevada is offering HIV screening at all kinds of healthcare offices and appointments, from routine physicals to quick care and even specialty appointments that aren’t related to HIV.
If you want to get tested in the privacy of your home, there are home testing kits available at most pharmacies and even online.
If you live in Nevada, Collect2Protect can send you a test at your own home, and provide real-person counseling with results.
You can also visit a FREE testing location near you to get tested. The link below is a list of different testing locations throughout Nevada.
The last 40 years of advancements have given us medications that WORK. We now have access to groundbreaking medicines that, when taken correctly, prevent you from passing HIV along or getting it through sex and even IV drugs.
Starting treatment early is how you stay healthy, undetectable, and prevent new transmissions. If you’re newly diagnosed with HIV, don’t wait to get connected to care.
If you have no healthcare provider or health insurance, or just need help understanding what is covered, the Ryan White Program can help. It provides care and treatment services like free or low-cost medication assistance to over half the population diagnosed with HIV in America.
Stay protected! When PrEP and PEP are used exactly as prescribed, HIV is 99% preventable.
(pre-exposure prophylaxis)
HIV is one of the only sexually transmitted infections (STIs) that is now 99% preventable with medication. So, ask your doctor or healthcare provider about PrEP.
It’s covered by most insurance and is 99% effective at stopping HIV transmission through sex or needles, as long as it’s taken daily, as instructed.
(post-exposure prophylaxis)
HIV can be prevented after you’re exposed, kind of like a morning-after medication. If you think you may have been exposed to HIV, call a healthcare provider and ask for PEP.
Start PEP within 24 to 72 hours of sex to protect yourself. If you’re not sure if you’ve been exposed, here are a few scenarios:
If you’re not already on PrEP and find any of these scenarios describe your recent experience, ask your healthcare provider about PEP. The earlier you start, the better, but take it within 72 hours (or three days) of sex, and do so daily for 28 days for prevention.
PrEP and PEP
When taken as prescribed, PrEP and PEP are 99% effective against HIV transmission, and you are worth protecting.
Ask your healthcare provider today about PrEP or PEP or click the link below to find a list of PrEP & PEP providers in Nevada.
Every year, more than 20 million people are diagnosed with sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Thankfully, STIs are common and treatable, and if you have one, you’re definitely not alone. Gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia are curable with doctor-prescribed medications, and there are treatments for HIV that make you undetectable and untransmittable. But why risk it? When used correctly, a condom can easily reduce your chances of getting gonorrhea, chlamydia, HIV, or other STIs. You can find free or affordable condoms throughout Nevada. Keep them with you so they’re ready when you need them.
To learn more about
specific STIs
click on the links below.
Gonorrhea | Chlamydia | Syphilis
Using IV substances can put you more at risk for both HIV and hepatitis C (hep C), a liver infection caused by the hepatitis C virus. Today, most people become infected with hep C by sharing needles or other equipment used to inject drugs. Consider adding a hepatitis C test when you get tested for HIV. Click on the link to learn more about hepatitis C.
IV substances often contain deadly amounts of fentanyl. Protect yourself and others by carrying fentanyl test kits and naloxone.
You can be prepared ahead of time. Always carry more than one set of clean needles and equipment so you never have to share. Get equipment, test kits, and more at the links below: